16 Easy Ways To Treat Your Thyroid Naturally

Are you someone who gets tired even though you are not doing anything physical? Have you felt recent weight gain or depression? If you answered yes, you may have a problem with your thyroid which is only a few centimeters long but plays a big role in regulating brain metabolism to controlling energy. You can think of the thyroid as a fundamental mechanism in a complex system, as every cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors.

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With the Thyroid being such an important organ, it’s vital that the thyroid is balanced within our system as it affects everything in our body. An estimated 27 million Americans, half of them undiagnosed, suffer from thyroid disease. To cure thyroid disease, you have to get to the source of the imbalance, focusing on the suppression of symptoms. Taking medications is simply barking up the wrong tree. In today’s post we will be talking about easy ways in which you can heal your thyroid naturally without being solely dependent on medications. Subscribe to Healthy Mind - Think Big and click the bell icon for future notifications. Let’s get started

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“Good Fats”: Good fats are your friend and cholesterol is the precursor to healing your thyroid. If you are getting insufficient fat and cholesterol, your body could have a hormonal imbalance, which includes thyroid hormones. Some natural, healthful fats include olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, avocados, and flax seeds.

Regular Exercise and Sauna: Exercise stimulates the thyroid gland and increases tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormones throughout the body. Ideally, you will want to sweat, and the exercise should be vigorous. Besides being an excellent way to relax your muscles and your mind, saunas or steam baths are an excellent way to flush your system of pesticides that could be contributing to your thyroid problem.

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Increase Iodine Intake: Your body requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones. However, your body cannot make iodine, so you need to get iodine from your diet. Foods such as cheese, milk, whole eggs and seaweed are rich in Iodine. However, avoid consuming large amounts of iodine because excess iodine can worsen thyroid problem.

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Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is a herb that can work wonders in balancing your thyroid hormones. Often used to strengthen one’s immunity, this herb can also help in reducing stress and enhancing your stamina. These properties of ashwagandha make it one of the best options to treat thyroid and its symptoms naturally. You can take this in the form of capsules made from powdered ashwagandha.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has been proven to work wonders for people with thyroid problems. It contains medium-chain fatty acids that can help combat the thyroid by increasing your metabolism and body temperature. You should consume coconut oil daily at least 2-3 times, either directly or by adding it to your favorite salad or dish.

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Slow down your Eating: The thyroid gland is located in your throat area, so it literally connects the mind and body. When you rush while eating, the food moves so quickly from mouth to stomach that the connection from mind to body is not strong. The mouth doesn’t know what the stomach is doing and vice versa. This is good health advice no matter what: sit down, slow down, savor, breathe and chew your food. Since the thyroid is the master of your metabolism, you want to eat slowly enough so it can record the message that food is entering the body.

Do Yoga Regularly: Yoga asanas are an effective natural remedy for dealing with thyroid disorders. While it may not be able to cure the condition instantly, it can help in keeping the glands healthy and regulate metabolism. This helps prevent any further complications. A study stated that 6 months of intense yoga helped people with thyroid problems reduce their need for thyroid medication.

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Eat Citrus fruits daily: Another effective natural thyroid treatment involves the use of citrus fruits as they can reduce the formation of mucus that aids the treatment of thyroid nodules. Eat plenty of citrus fruits such as lemon and orange regularly to heal the thyroid naturally.

Ginger: Ginger is a great source of magnesium, zinc, and potassium, all of which are important for the thyroid. It contains an antioxidant-rich compound known as gingerol which helps to reduce inflammation-related thyroid conditions.

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Eggs: Eggs contain selenium, vitamin A, and B vitamin choline, which are all great for thyroid health. Do not fear the yolk, because that is where all these nutrients live.

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Yogurt: Besides supplying plenty of protein, calcium, and B vitamins, yogurt ranks as one of the most iodine-rich foods available. Iodine is crucial when it comes to the production of thyroid hormones. A deficiency in this key mineral can impair thyroid function and cause weight gain, fatigue, and hair loss. To maximize the thyroid-boosting benefits of yogurt, skip the sweetened varieties and opt for organic, grass-fed, and raw yogurt whenever possible.

Avoid Soy: There are plenty of reasons to keep soy out of your diet, starting with the damaging effects that soy can have on your thyroid gland. Soy foods like tofu, edamame, and soybeans contain isoflavones, which are compounds that inhibit the production of thyroid hormones. Steer clear of soy products and select fermented soy foods. Good substitutions include tempeh and natto.

Avoid Stress: One of the main underlying causes of slow thyroid function is stress. Hectic work and home schedules can quickly increase stress hormones, tax your adrenaline glands, and alter the brain’s communication with the thyroid. This can cause thyroid problems. You can try and calm your nervous system with meditation or deep breathing exercises.

Drink plenty of water: Having water usually hydrates the body and also regulates the functions of all the glands of the body. To ensure that the thyroid glands work in an ideal way, the best and easiest thing to do is to drink 10-12 glasses of water each day. This should be plain and filtered water for the best outcomes. It is bound to give you perfect outcomes and a lot of other benefits too. It will reduce weight as well.

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Expose yourself to the sun: Exposing the body to the sun for 15 to 20 minutes is one of the best things for achieving balance in the thyroid gland. It helps in strengthening the immune system as well as brings higher metabolism. Take a walk in the sun early in the morning for this home remedy. This is one of the best natural remedies for the thyroid.

Reduce cell phone time: According to some studies it has been found that long hours of use of cell phones were the reason behind thyroid problems. Avoiding talking on a cell phone for long hours can prove to be one of the best home remedies for the thyroid. It acts like a radiation machine and since the thyroid gland is located close to the ears it can cause an awful lot of damage to that gland. One of the best ways to avoid this is talking with the help of headsets or phone receivers.


These 16 natural remedies for Thyroid treatment are sure to help you overcome Thyroid malfunctions easily.

Although natural remedies are not a cure, but they can lower stress, prevent disease, and make you feel better.

However, it is important to note that these remedies are not a substitute for actual medications.

Chronic thyroid issues must be treated with specific medications to bring your problems under control. 

These remedies go hand in hand with your treatment to speed up your recovery or prevent thyroid problems from happening in the first place.

Has there been a time when natural treatments have worked better for you than medications for the thyroid? Let us know in the comments section below.

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