9 Low-Sugar Fruits You Can Actually Eat On A KETO DIET


Diet fads come and go, each claiming to be better than the last, but they all aim to do one thing, help you lose weight and fast. The keto diet is no exception. Maybe you heard of it? Perhaps you even debated trying it?

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Either way, If you're interested in or are currently beginning a keto lifestyle, we have you covered all, from what it is to how it works and possible side effects. Also, make sure to stick around to the end, where we give you a list of keto-safe foods.


Did you know that obesity is a worldwide health hazard contributing to 2.8 million deaths per year? Shocking, isn’t it? Not to mention other issues associated with the condition, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. If you do not want to contribute to these scary statistics, then regulating your weight and leading a healthy lifestyle becomes very important. But the question is:  how? Well, the keto diet is one option that can help you with weight management.


A keto diet requires you to reduce your carbohydrate intake and recommends increased fat consumption. Primarily, a keto diet should consist of 60% fats, 30% of proteins, and 10% of carbohydrates. Or, to be more specific, an adult's 2000-calorie per-day diet should contain 20 to 50g of carbohydrates.


In a routine process, your body breaks down carbohydrates to meet your energy needs and perform other essential functions. Through a keto diet, by cutting down on your carbohydrate intake, your body will use stored fats to create molecules known as ketones which are used as fuel. This process is called ketosis.

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Keto diets are known for dramatic and rapid weight loss and have repeatedly proved their effectiveness compared to other diets. Studies focused on the long-term effects of diets on weight loss have shown no sound evidence for recommending low-fat diets.  Additionally, it has been noticed that low-carb diets have led to significant weight loss in comparison to low-fat ones. It’s pretty common to feel hungry on a diet.  And those tempting snacks like cookies, fries, and chips always grab your attention, leading you to give up halfway through your plan. On a keto diet, you won’t feel the need to snack often. Studies show that keto diets reduce your appetite and give you a feeling of fullness. A reduced appetite will keep you on the right track, and you can continue your diet easily without temptation. Various research has also shown improvement in clinical markers for those with type 2 diabetes and neurological disorders like epilepsy, dementia, brain injury, cancers, and sometimes acne. Keto diets are reportedly also known for improving blood pressure and controlling cholesterol levels. This makes the keto diet a preventive measure in case of heart disease too.


Within the first few weeks of beginning the keto diet, individuals may feel an onset of symptoms that are referred to as “Keto Flu”. Commonly reported symptoms are headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, “Brain Fog”, gastrointestinal discomfort, decreased energy, feeling faint, and heartbeat alterations. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person and usually will subside over time as your body adapts to your keto diet. These symptoms are due to your body undergoing a low-energy phase. Ensure you are drinking enough fluids and consuming electrolytes, as it can help alleviate these symptoms. Studies also show that keto diets can lead to kidney stones, and those with lipid-metabolism disorders and liver failure are discouraged from keto diets.

You might even experience some digestive issues in the initial phases of starting your keto regime. And one of the reasons could be: you’re missing out on fibers that keep your gut healthy. In this case, experts suggest eating fruits that are rich sources of fiber. Although the keto diet restricts rich sources of carbs and sugars, some fruits are suitable for the diet.

Let’s check them out! First up, we have

WATERMELON: Watermelon is a low-carb fruit and is rich in vitamin A, which helps enhance vision; vitamin B-6, which aids in creating red blood cells; and vitamin C, which is crucial for tissue building. Lycopene, an essential antioxidant in watermelon, may also help protect the body against cancer and heart diseases.

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LEMONS: What a fantastic source of vitamin C and polyphenols! Lemons can help alleviate fatigue, fight cold symptoms like coughing or sore throat, lower blood pressure, and relieve chest pain. Since vitamin C is responsible for the absorption of other nutrients in the body, including lemons in your keto diet can help make up for the nutritional deficiency that might occur otherwise.

Read this post: Drink A Cup Of Ginger Juice With Lemon Every MORNING & See The Benefits!

Lemons may also help you with kidney stones that might appear as a long-term side effect of a keto diet. Studies have shown that lemons not only help in treating kidney stones but also aid in their prevention. It’s easy to include lemons in your keto diet! Just add lemon juice or wedge to your water or tea, it’ll add a refreshing kick to your drinks.

STRAWBERRIES: Strawberries are versatile and have many nutritional benefits, not to mention a delicious and refreshing taste. With the richness of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory enzymes, this fruit helps regulate many body functions, such as boosting digestion, reducing the signs of aging, increasing metabolism, and maintaining blood sugar and cholesterol.

BLUEBERRIES: Studies suggest that blueberries are incredibly effective in dealing with cardiovascular disease and type2 diabetes. This is mainly because of anthocyanin, which accounts for 60% of the total polyphenols in blueberries.

Read this post: 14 Great Fruits That Can Double As Medicine

Other studies also reflect its wide-ranging impact on obesity. Regular consumption of blueberries in a keto diet can lead to lower fat mass and less adiposity, a condition of having too many fatty tissues in the body.

BLACKBERRIES: Blackberries are not only good immunity boosters but also help in increasing the metabolism of your body. Increased metabolism helps speed up the weight loss process and gives you quick results. The low-calorie fruit contains lots of fiber, precisely what our gut bacteria needs. And a thriving gut bacteria promises good gut health, leading to the proper functioning of your digestive system, which helps maintain proper digestive health. So you must include blackberries in your keto diet and keep your digestive health in good shape. Studies have also shown that, apart from treating diarrhea and other related digestive issues, blackberries also have anti-cancer properties.

Read this post: Eat Blackberries Daily & See What Happens To Your Body

COCONUT: This tropical fruit is rich in nutritional value and aids in various functions such as stabilizing blood sugar, improving immunity, brain functioning, and maintaining good bowel health. Coconuts contain fiber, manganese, antioxidants, and a high amount of fat. Their fat content aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. While it has several benefits, a high intake of coconut should be avoided by those living with heart diseases due to its high-fat content.

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HAZELNUT: Yes! We’re talking hazelnuts! Botanically speaking, hazelnuts are fruits too. Studies show that hazelnuts, when consumed in the right amount, can be used in weight management. Hazelnuts provide significant health benefits with a rich nutrient profile and healthy fats.  They are a rich source of vitamin E, manganese, copper, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids. Their high antioxidant compositions help in healthy aging, reduce stroke risk, and ward off cancer.

PEACHES: Who could say no to a juicy peach? With fuzzy skin and a sweet taste, peaches are relatively low in net carbs and perfectly fit your keto diet. According to a study, peaches help improve cholesterol levels and aid in heart-related problems. This is because of their high flavonoid content, a plant-based compound mainly found in fruits and vegetables.

AVOCADO: Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, plus they have vitamin K, potassium, and fiber. One avocado has more than 200 calories, so it's a good way to add extra calories without sacrificing nutrition. If you’re tired of using various creams and lotions to improve the state of your dry skin, give avocados a try. It has a unique nutrition profile. This delicious fruit is rich in healthy fats, biotin, and dietary fiber, along with several other vitamins and minerals. A single 100-gram serving of avocado has 3.2-10 micrograms of biotin.

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Are you having trouble beginning your keto diet? Want improved weight management and higher energy levels?

Those with a medical history should consult their doctors before starting any weight loss regimen. Additionally, if you are on insulin, blood pressure medicine, or breastfeeding, then perhaps the keto diet may not be an ideal alternative for you on your weight loss journey.

What are your thoughts on Keto? Let us know in the comments below.

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