FATAL Connection Between Your Everyday Beauty / Hygiene Products and HORMONES


From growth and development to mood fluctuations, your endocrine system carries out various essential body functions with the help of hormones. This intricate network of glands and organs works together to ensure optimal functioning. So, what happens when the regular functioning of the endocrine system gets disrupted? Well, it could lead to some pretty severe health disorders. And the immediate danger to this system lies much closer to us than you think. That’s right! Certain synthetic chemicals in your everyday products can mimic hormones released from your endocrine system and create roadblocks in functioning. These endocrine disruptors can be easily found in creams, moisturizers, ointments, perfumes, floor cleaners, and wipes. But don’t worry! Today’s post will cover what endocrine disruptors are, where they come from, what makes them harmful, and the pressing question: how to avoid them!

So let’s get started…

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Your body has an essential messenger network called the endocrine system that monitors and regulates almost every aspect related to your hormones. But, sometimes, this system could be attacked by endocrine-disrupting chemicals that cause significant changes in its functioning. These synthetic chemicals or mixtures interfere with the endocrine system by being mistaken for hormones your body produces. When this happens, your hormones will be disrupted from doing their designated job. Hormone disruptors can affect the synthesis, transport, metabolism, and binding action of naturally made hormones. Not only this, but they can also trick your body into believing that it has a good supply of hormones, causing your brain to order your glands to stop hormone production and use up precious reserves. This creates a hormone deficit that results in adverse health outcomes such as changes in reproductive health, impaired nervous system function, weakened immune response, altered sugar metabolism, increased risk of cancer, respiratory issues, neurological impairments, learning difficulties, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular problems.


Whether you like it or not, these disruptors can be found anywhere in your environment, exposing us in various ways. They could enter your body through the food you consume, the water you drink, and even the air you breathe. Because of increased skin-to-skin contact, they could also seep into your skin through personal skincare and cleaning products. Studies have shown that industrial chemicals and pesticides contain large amounts of endocrine disruptors. These chemicals drain into the soil and reach your groundwater sources, which, when consumed, could seep their way into food and people. Non-organic foods, which use lots of fertilizers and pesticides during their production process, are also at a greater risk of exposure to hormone disruptors like DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane) and possibly glyphosate. Plastics and food storage materials contain hormone disruptors,  such as Bisphenol A (BPA) and Phenol, that are readily absorbed by processed foods, lotions, household chemicals, products with fragrances, and cosmetics. Personal care products and sunscreens contain endocrine disruptors like parabens and UV filters. Natural chemicals in human and animal foods or phytoestrogens, such as genistein and coumestrol, can also interrupt your endocrine system. They form an essential component of infant formulas and are considered relatively harmless because of their perceived low binding affinity to your body. However, this is far from reality as studies have shown that infants who consumed soy-based formula, as opposed to cow’s milk formula, were at an increased risk of disorders emanating from hormone disruptors as they reported 500 times higher concentrations of phytoestrogen in their bodies.

Guess what? Your household surfaces aren’t safe from these disruptors too! Household dust can contain many endocrine disruptors, such as lead, flame retardants, construction materials, and furniture pollutants, which harm your well-being.


Endocrine disruptors have lower water solubility and extremely high lipid dissolving capability,  which means they quickly accumulate in your adipose tissue. This connective tissue extends throughout your body and is generally called body fat. Endocrine disruptors tend to accumulate in body fat, allowing them to be stored in large quantities for extended periods. As a result, you become more prone to health disorders that emerge from endocrine dysfunction. The threat from these hormone disruptors is highly unavoidable because no endocrine system is immune to them. The uncanny similarities between the hormones and these chemicals make it extremely hard for your body to differentiate between the two, let alone save you from their detrimental effects. This is why it’s crucial to maintain as much distance as possible from these chemicals. Research shows that endocrine disruptors can significantly impact your neurological function by meddling with the smooth functioning of the hypothalamus, a structure deep within your brain that links your endocrine and nervous systems. The hypothalamus is a small but highly crucial part of your brain responsible for maintaining the internal balance in your body by controlling incoming signals or messages. It also sends out necessary signals to keep your body stable and regulates your body temperature, blood pressure, appetite, sex drive, mood, and sleep. Dopamine,  the “Feel-Good” hormone, is also regulated by your hypothalamus.

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If hormone disruptors manage to target your hypothalamus, leading to its dysfunction, you are more likely to experience random mood fluctuations, behavioral changes, and a reduced ability to handle stress. Hormone disruptors also affect your reproductive health. Hormones have a significant say in the growth and development of an individual, which is why anything that alters the structure, production, and quantity of your hormones will lead to distorted sexual development and might even cause early or late puberty. Some researchers also blame the increasing incidence of breast, ovarian, testicular, and prostate cancers on endocrine disruptors. In females, hormone  disruptors can cause the abnormal development of sexual organs or cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome  (a condition in which the ovaries produce high amounts of androgens, which are male sex  hormones that are otherwise low in females), and Endometriosis (a disorder in which the  tissue that usually lines the inner side, starts growing outside your uterus.) This often results in pelvic pain, disturbed menstrual cycles, irregular ovulation, altered menstrual flow, decreased fertility, and miscarriages. In males, they could diminish semen quality (a measure of male fertility that analyzes the ability of the sperms to accomplish fertilization) and Urogenital Tract Malformations (conditions characterized by anomalies in the male reproductive system).

Endocrine disruptors also affect your thyroid function. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck responsible for producing thyroid hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism, the process by which you convert food into energy. Thyroid hormones are also involved in fat metabolism, which burns extra fat deposits from the fatty tissues. Even when you sit idle, the thyroid ensures you do not get overweight by keeping the metabolism running. However, the situation gets reversed due to endocrine disruptors. In that case, your body can no longer burn extra fats,  so you’ll keep building excess weight in some areas, eventually leading to obesity.

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Endocrine disruptors may accumulate over time and pass on from generation to generation. Despite having considerable amounts of endocrine disruptors in your body, even if you somehow escape their health repercussions, your offspring might be unable to do so. This happens because, over time, these notorious chemicals mess up your genes and trigger unnecessary mutations that manifest as anomalies through heredity. However, this hypothesis needs further research.

Now, on to the most important question: How do we avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals from entering our lives?

Although it might not be possible to cut them out completely, we can still minimize our daily interactions with them by being more mindful and adopting the following healthy habits:

#1. WASH YOUR HANDS REGULARLY: rinsing your hands washes away most chemicals down the drain, so you no longer have to worry about accumulated germs and harmful agents. Practice this habit, especially before meals, and avoid using fragranced soaps and handwashes.

#2. KEEP YOUR SURROUNDINGS NEAT: Vacuuming and Dusting more often can prevent the buildup of endocrine disruptors on household appliances and furniture. This way, you are exposed to lower levels of chemicals.

#3. CHECK THE LABELS THOROUGHLY BEFORE BUYING: If you want to maintain a safe distance from endocrine disruptors, you need to read the labels and pick beauty and hygiene products with tags like “Phthalate-Free,” “BPA-Free,” and "Paraben-Free." If you cannot find suitable formulas, try home remedies. As far as cleaning supplies are concerned, you can make sustainable home formulas by using vinegar and baking soda.

#4. THINK TWICE BEFORE USING PLASTICS: Given the widespread use of plastic, it may be challenging to cut out plastic use entirely.  However, switching to alternatives is a wise way to avoid contact with endocrine disruptors. You can do this by using stainless steel and glass containers instead of plastic packaging to store food items. Also, opt for cloth, jute, or paper bags for your shopping.

#5. BE MINDFUL OF WHATEVER YOU EAT: Pick organic and conventionally grown foods instead of non-organic, as they contain minimal pesticide or fertilizer residue. Say “No” to processed fast food and try cooking meals at home. Avoid using non-stick pans, as they are usual habitats of endocrine-disrupting chemicals; try using stainless steel or cast iron instead.

#6. BE WATCHFUL OF ANYTHING THAT CONTAINS ADDED FRAGRANCES: if you love scented soaps, candles, and beauty products, then it's time to rethink your preferences, as these products can be brimming with loads of dangerous hormone disruptors. It’s safe to say the mere mention of added fragrance indicates that the product may have hundreds of harmful ingredients that might not even be labeled, citing secret trade formulas. However, products that say “Scented with Essential Oils'' can be used without worry. Even though hormone disruptors are present in trace amounts in most everyday products, it’s important to stay informed and be more mindful of our products.

What steps are you going to take to avoid endocrine disruptors? Let us know in the comments below!

The information I provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. You should never use content in my writing as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or another qualified clinician. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if indicated for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. I am not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this blog. Thank you.

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