Save Your Intestines From Damage With These 9 Foods - Eat Them Every Day!

Your intestines are home to trillions of microorganisms vital to your overall health. But did you know that stress, poor diet, and environmental toxins can disrupt the delicate balance of these microorganisms? It can even lead to uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel disease. The good news is that science shows certain foods can help cleanse and support the health of your intestines. From prebiotic-rich foods that feed beneficial gut bacteria to polyphenol-packed foods that help reduce inflammation, we'll dive into the science behind some powerful foods that can help cleanse your intestines and promote a healthier gut. So stay tuned to learn how to nourish your intestines with the right foods.

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Research says in 2021 to 2022, the average person consumed around 16 pounds of apples. That's right; apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world for a good reason! They're delicious, nutritious, and versatile, making them a perfect snack for any time of day. Whether you prefer them raw, baked, or blended into a smoothie, there are endless ways to get maximum goodness of apples for your intestines. Apples are a great source of soluble and insoluble fibers that can promote the health of your intestine. The soluble fiber, pectin, is known for its prebiotic properties, promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, and helps reduce inflammation in the gut. It is also a natural detoxifier as it binds to toxins and heavy metals in the colon, removing them from the body. Apples also contain other bioactive phytochemicals, such as Flavonoids, that can protect against intestinal inflammation and oxidative stress linked to many chronic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer. So embrace your inner apple fanatic and enjoy this fantastic fruit in all its forms!


In medieval Europe, ginger was the spice everyone wanted - so much so that they traded it for its weight in gold! You could say people would pay a king's ransom just to taste this fiery herb. Today, science has found ginger to contain active compounds like Gingerols and Shogaols that have prokinetic properties, meaning they can increase the contractions of the smooth muscle in the gut. This can help stimulate food movement through the digestive system and regulate the transit time of the digested food from the small to the large colon. In addition to its prokinetic effects, ginger reduces gut inflammation. Gut inflammation usually leads to digestive issues, including constipation, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Also, it has analgesic properties that can relieve abdominal pain and discomfort, making your tummy feel like a happy camper. This can help to ease bowel movements and promote regularity. Add grated ginger to your stir-fry, brew ginger tea, or even have some ginger chews for a quick on-the-go fix. 


Did you know that walnuts are a type of seed, not a nut? Mind-blowing, right? But whether you call them nuts or seeds, one thing is clear: they're packed with nutrients that can do wonders for your intestines. One of the key components in walnuts that supports gut health is fiber. You should aim for a daily fiber intake of at least 25-30 grams to keep your digestion running smoothly. Having just one ounce of walnuts can contribute about 2 grams of fiber and can help you achieve your daily fiber goal. Walnuts also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid, ALA for short, which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid. Diets rich in walnuts alter gut microbiota, increasing the abundance of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus and reducing the number of potentially harmful bacteria such as Clostridium. Another way that walnuts can support gut health is through their antioxidant content. Walnuts include a high concentration of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and polyphenols, which can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the gastrointestinal tract. So keep a bag of walnuts handy for a  quick and easy snack. They're perfect for satisfying your hunger and keeping your intestines happy.


Do you use aloe vera just for soothing sunburns? You can use the power of aloe vera for some gut-cleansing benefits too. Aloe vera contains bioactive compounds, like, Anthraquinones, lectins, and polysaccharides, that help the digestive system. Anthraquinones have laxative properties that can help relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Other compounds break down proteins and carbohydrates, aiding digestion and absorption of nutrients. It can also prevent gut infection, particularly in candida or yeast overgrowth cases. Aloe vera's antioxidant properties can also protect against cellular damage and reduce the risk of colon cancer. Suppose you're struggling with digestive issues like Irritable bowel syndrome. In that case, aloe vera gel can help soothe and heal the lining of your gut, reducing inflammation and promoting the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

If you want to add more aloe to your diet, one popular option is adding aloe vera gel to your favorite smoothies or juices. This can mask aloe vera's slightly bitter taste. Another option is aloe vera supplements, which include capsules, powders, or gummies. Check with your doctor before taking any supplements, especially if you're on medication or have pre-existing health conditions.

If you're lucky enough to have an aloe vera plant at home, you can harvest the gel and add it to your favorite recipes. Just be sure to remove the yellow latex layer beneath the gel, as it can be harsh on the digestive system.


Did you know beans were among the initial foods grown on space missions? NASA scientists chose to include beans in their space gardens because they are a great source of protein, fiber, and other essential nutrients. Think of the fiber from beans and legumes as a broom; they are excellent for sweeping out waste and toxins from the colon and preventing constipation. Doing this reduces the time that waste spends in the gut and lowers the risk of developing colon cancer. Resistant starch is also present in beans and legumes. Resistant starch is a dietary fiber that does not get digested in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact, serving as food for the good bacteria living there. This promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and produces short-chain fatty acids that nourish the colon cells and reduce inflammation.

Ever heard of colon polyps? These abnormal tissue growths develop on the colon's inner lining and, if left untreated, can potentially progress into cancer. Research suggests that people who chow down on fiber-packed legumes and other plant-based foods are 35% less likely to develop pesky colon polyps. 

So why not add some tasty lentils or black beans to your next meal and give your colon the fiber it deserves? Not just this, beans and lentils are a nutrient-dense source of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, antioxidants, and phytonutrients essential for overall health and well-being. One of the best ways to enjoy beans and lentils is by cooking a big batch and freezing the leftovers. This way, you always have a quick and healthy meal on hand, no matter how busy your day gets. Try using your beans in soups, stews, salads, or dips, and reap the benefits.


This food is a must-have to clean your intestines! Yogurt is a tasty fermented dairy product that packs a  punch regarding gut health benefits. This tangy treat combines various live bacteria strains, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, that can help promote a balanced and diverse gut microbiome. Yogurt can also help cleanse the intestines and reduce inflammation, which may lower the risk of colon cancer. Another great perk of eating yogurt is that it can help reduce gas and bloating, which can be particularly helpful for people who struggle with digestive discomfort after eating beans or cruciferous vegetables. This is due to the beneficial probiotics in yogurt. Probiotics can break down complex sugars and fiber from these foods, which can contribute to bloating and gas.

Yogurt may help if you are lactose intolerant too. The fermentation process to make yogurt breaks down lactose and makes it easier to digest. This can help to alleviate unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.


It's time to get your green game on and protect your intestines! Green leafy veggies contain a high amount of fiber, which promotes regular bowel movements and eliminates the risk of constipation. These vegetables are rich in gut health-promoting vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help protect the lining of the digestive tract. And the best part? You don't need to be a math whiz to ensure you get enough fiber in your diet. Instead of stressing over counting grams, aim to fill two-thirds of your plate with delicious, fiber-rich veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

Another vital component of green leafy vegetables is Chlorophyll, a pigment that gives plants green color. Chlorophyll aids in the removal of toxins from the body, reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress. Chlorophyll can also bind to and remove heavy metals and other harmful substances from the digestive tract, which can help to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This can lead to a healthier gut microbiome. Did you know that some green leafy vegetables, like Swiss chard and beet greens, come in various colors? You can find these veggies in shades of Red, Pink, Orange, and Yellow, in addition to the Traditional greens. This adds a pop of color to your plate and helps you get a wider range of nutrients from your leafy greens!


That's right! These tiny seeds love to keep your intestines healthy. Chia seeds are a good source of dietary fiber; 100  grams contain approximately 34-40 grams of total dietary fiber, which is around  120% of your daily recommended intake! But that's not all - the defatted flour made from chia seeds is even more impressive, with a whopping 40% fiber content. And get this: 5-10% of that fiber is soluble, which means it becomes a gooey, slimy substance called Mucilage. Now, that might sound gross, But trust us, mucilage is actually great for the intestines. It can make passing stools easier. So, you can say goodbye to the struggle of constipation and embrace the smooth sail! Soluble fiber can also bind to cholesterol and other harmful substances in the gut, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream and preventing other deadly diseases.

Chia seeds are also great for fighting inflammation and protecting your colon from damage, thanks to Polyphenols. So, if you want your colon to function smoothly, start sprinkling chia seeds on your morning oatmeal, salads, and smoothies.

And last but not least, the Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in chia seeds are like the icing on the cake! Studies suggest omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and treat inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis, which can cause chronic inflammation and damage to the colon. To harness the full potential of chia seeds, we recommend soaking them in liquid for as little as 10-15 mins up to a few hours and chewing them thoroughly before swallowing. This process helps break down the tough outer shell of the seeds and release their nutrients. Simply swallowing the seeds without soaking or chewing them may cause digestive discomfort and prevent proper nutrient absorption. This is because the seeds can expand your esophagus and cause a blockage. It's always better to be safe than sorry, so enjoy chia seeds in a way that works for you and your body.

As long as we are talking about digestion, there's one aspect we cannot ignore- Farts!!! An average person may fart about 25 times a day, which may seem like a lot, but it is a sign of a healthy digestive system. What foods do you eat to keep your intestines in tip-top shape? Let us know in the comments below.

Must Read: What should I eat to get fiber daily?

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