09 Simple Home Tests To Monitor And Improve Your Health | Healthy Mind - Think Big

Hey Guys, Keeping track of your health requires more than just seeing a doctor once a year. Many serious health issues are first identified at home rather than at the doctor's office. Patients are generally the first to realize when something’s wrong with their health. You should perform some quick health checks to determine if you need professional help.

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In today’s post, we’ll highlight tests that can detect a dangerous illness even before symptoms arise. Can you check for artery problems at home? What about diabetes? We’ll talk about all this AND more… 

#1 Diabetes

Due to a lack of time, or fear of physicians, many people avoid medical tests. However, you can do tests from the comfort of your home to find out about your health. These approaches can help you determine if it's time to seek professional help, or if everything is okay. Numbness in your feet is one of the silent diabetes symptoms you might be overlooking. The condition is called diabetic neuropathy. Do you feel pins, needles, or tingling in your feet? Does it feel like you’re wearing socks or gloves when you aren't? Are your feet so sensitive that even a bed cover can hurt them? Well, all of these are signs of Peripheral Nerve Injury. The numbness may be difficult to detect on your own, so have someone else use a pencil to evaluate the feeling in your extremities. If you can tell you're being softly poked with the tip or the eraser without looking, everything is fine. If not, it may be a red flag for diabetes. The most frequent kind of nerve damage with diabetes is peripheral nerve injury, which affects your hands, feet, legs, and arms. It frequently begins in one foot or both feet at the same time. Touching your toes and feet with a sharp but safe item often informs you how good your nerves and sensibilities are. This is essential for people with diabetes and other nerve-related diseases. If you don't feel sharp items in your toes as you should, it might indicate nerve injury; the next step is to figure out why. You should see your doctor for more testing. Have you tried poking your feet with a pencil? Sound off in the comment section, and start a conversation with our Healthy Mind - Think Big community... 

#2 Heart and Circulatory Problems 

You may have heard that walking up the stairs is a healthier option than using the elevator. It’s one of the best things cardiac physicians do to keep their hearts healthy. However, your stair fitness level can also be utilized to assess whether you have cardiovascular issues or not. 

Studies state that chest discomfort and shortness of breath are typical symptoms of cardiovascular disease. Shortness of breath is also a common symptom of angina and heart failure. Patients with cardiovascular disease may feel both chest pain and shortness of breath at different times, but many have both at once. 

You will have to leave your house to complete this exam. Climb an 8-12 step ladder while singing a song. You may also talk on the phone or read something out loud. The most crucial thing is to communicate. If your heart is racing and you're having trouble breathing, it's a sign your cardiovascular system and lungs aren't up to the task. 

Just a reminder that home-based tests do not substitute a doctor's expert advice. If you have any symptoms that concern you, talk to a doctor ASAP. Looking for answers on all the latest health and wellness news? Hit that “Subscribe” button, and join our millions of followers. Stay up to date on all our great Healthy Mind - Think Big content… 

#3 Anemia

Anemia affects around 2 billion people, or roughly 40% of the world's population, according to the World Health Organization. It’s caused by a deficiency of Hemoglobin, which means that the body's muscles and tissues aren't getting enough oxygen and can't perform at full capacity. Other signs of Iron deficiency include paler-than-normal skin and pale pigmentation on the inside of the lower eyelids. Because hemoglobin in red blood cells gives blood its red color, iron deficiency causes the blood to become less red. Paleness caused by iron deficiency can develop all over the body, or be isolated to one region such as the face, gums, insides of lips, or lower eyelids. For this test, you should pull your lower eyelid down while standing in front of a mirror. The interior layer of your lower eyelid should be red as you pull it down. If it's a very pale pink or yellow tint, it might mean you have anemia

You should see a doctor if you find you’re pale, tired, or unable to breathe. Paleness is more prevalent in moderate and severe anemia cases. It’s one of the first things physicians check for. It should, however, be double-checked. 

#4 Hearing

You need to get into a quiet environment to complete this exam. Rub your fingers together and place your hand next to your ear. Can you hear this sound? Now move your hand as far away from your ear as possible, rub your fingers together once more. Is the sound still audible? If you answered yes to both, congrats, your hearing is in good shape. Remember to perform the same thing with the second ear as well. 

Before we move ahead, here’s another post you might like. read and learn 05 Exercises That Will Transform Your Whole Body in Just 04 Weeks. Now back to our talk on easy, at-home medical tests.

#5 Arterial Issues

Blood is delivered to the limbs through peripheral arteries. When the arteries get blocked, the muscles are deprived of oxygen, resulting in unpleasant sensations such as numbness and discomfort. The disorder is known as Pad - Peripheral Artery disease and the symptoms are difficult to detect at first. It can lead to heart attack and stroke if left untreated. 

The location of the blockage and which portion of your body receives a restricted blood flow determine your symptoms. Some of the signs and symptoms of blocked or clogged arteries are fatigue, dizziness, breathing problems, pain in the chest, cold hands or feet, numbness or pain, discoloration of the skin, or hair loss. To test for this disease, you need to raise your feet at a 45° angle and hold them there for several minutes. Examine the color of your feet now. If your feet and toes are very pale, it will suggest poor blood circulation. The color shift might be noticeable in one foot, or both. 

#6 Lung and Heart Disease 

To check for this chronic illness, make an upside-down ‘J’ with your fingers and rub your nails against each other. Can you see a tiny diamond shape between them? If yes, it’s fantastic news. Your heart and arteries are in great working order! 

If there’s no space between your fingernails, it might be an indication of nail clubbing. The fact that fingers get thicker indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood. Multiple factors can contribute to Oxygen Deprivation. Cardiovascular illnesses, respiratory troubles, and gastrointestinal problems are only a few examples. 

#7 Skin Cancer

Unusual moles, sores, lumps, or blemishes in the skin might be a symptom of melanoma or another kind of Skin Cancer. For this exam, start with your face and work your way down, inspecting your neck, shoulders, chest, arms, and legs. Do not forget about your palms, fingernails, soles of feet, toenails, private parts, and the spaces between your toes. You can also ask a friend, spouse, or loved one to examine the parts of your body you can't see, such as your scalp and back. Take pictures of any suspicious moles so you can see how they evolve. If you’re wondering what exactly you’re looking for, remember ABCDE. A is for asymmetrical, B is for uneven borders, C is for color, D is for diameter (bigger than a pencil eraser), E is for evolving, which means the mole changes appearance over time. Talk to a dermatologist as soon as possible if you notice anything odd. You should also see your dermatologist once a year for a full skin examination. 

#8 Hormonal Imbalance and Deficiency in Micronutrients 

Hair loss is a natural occurrence. Experts estimate that we lose 50 to 100 hairs every day. There’s usually nothing to be concerned about, but there’s a test you can take to be sure. You may lose hair for a variety of reasons, including stress, poor hygiene, and major health conditions. A hormonal imbalance or food shortage can cause hair to thin out. These signs should not be overlooked. Hormonal Imbalance can be caused by a poor diet, a stressful or sad lifestyle, or the use of medicines. 

To do this test, you need to make sure your hair is dry and clean. Pull on a little strand of hair. Make sure you're not pulling too hard. It's normal to have 2-3 hairs in your palm. If you have any more, you should see a doctor. 

#9 Dementia and Stroke 

Dementia is caused by slow brain changes and damage, usually due to aging. It’s uncommon in people under the age of 65. Reduced blood supply to the brain causes vascular dementia, which is a common kind. It’s expected that roughly 150,000 individuals in the UK are affected. Vascular dementia tends to worsen with time, however, it can be slowed down in rare cases. 

This self-health test requires a timer. Start the timer by lifting your leg until your hip is parallel to the floor. You have a low chance of having a stroke or getting dementia if you can stand in that position for 20 minutes or more. However, if you can't keep your balance on one leg, there may be a problem with your brain vessels.

Take a few minutes each day to complete some basic health tests. Take control of your health with these quick and easy assessments that may reveal major issues. Let’s keep the conversation going with a couple related posts, shall we? Here's all you need to know about it. Check out 05 High Thermic Foods That Will Boost Your Metabolism. Or 10 Best Breakfast Foods For Diabetics. Go ahead, click one. Or better yet, read both, and learn how regular health check-ups can help you avoid chronic illness. Have you or anyone you know done these tests? Let us know in the comments section below!

The information I provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. You should never use content in my writing as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or another qualified clinician. Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if indicated for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. I am not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this blog. Thank you.

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