Do you know how to manage your time?

So here I bring to you all the topics which you will like very much, the topic is Time Management. Now all of you will say "I know all this" and still people say "We don't have time" and we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? What do you think...

Let's learn how to manage your time.

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What is Time Management?
Time management is an art. It is arranging, organizing, and budgeting time for the purpose of accomplishing something within a time. Time management is having control over the amount of time spent on a particular activity. Hence, time management helps an individual to be more organized and productive.

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You Plan Every Day
Planning ahead of your day gives you the ability to achieve more and gain better control of your life. So what you need to do is to prepare a to-do list that highlights what you should do and what is the best time to complete them. Keep your list short and simple. Include only those activities that you actually complete in a day.

Use a to-do-list
A to-do list is one of the simplest and most used time management tools to help you break your tasks down into different activities on a given day.

As you make your complete list, have a practical idea of what can be achieved about what you can accomplish. Initially, choose the work that you think you can do, and then proceed with the adjustment. Be diligent about keeping immediate but unimportant and low-priority tasks off the list.

Finally, complete each task from your list as it is completed. It is bound to give you a real feeling of satisfaction. At the end of the day review the list and check if any high-priority items were left undone. Find out the reason for this and reschedule them. Make your to-do list for the next day at the end of the day or at the beginning of the day. Practicing this will, in itself, help you develop a time management habit.

Prioritize Tasks
When working on a task/activity, there is always a possibility that you may spend most of your precious time on unimportant activities. Now the best way to avoid this is to learn the art of priority.

Urgent tasks must be done immediately to avoid a major problem, such as paying the electricity/water bill today because your electricity/water services will be stopped tomorrow. Many people never deal with important things until they become necessary. This approach always leads to stress.

Important Tasks are meaningful or important to you, such as spending time with your family, helping friends, or exercising. They are also tasks that you must do to avoid a problem, such as paying bills or meeting a deadline at work.

Not Important Tasks are which do not need to be done or which are not important to you.

Learn to Say "No"
A time will come when you will be busy with all of your work and people will still expect more work from you. In these situations you have two options - One, you can say yes and increase the burden on your head, and Two, you can say no and focus on the tasks you already have. Remember, when something is not important, the best option is to save it for a later date. Do not force yourself into stressful situations.

Take Regular Breaks
Working in a continuous process can do you more harm than good. We need a break so that our brain can be refreshed and then focused on the task well.
You can go for a short walk or make a cup of coffee or gossip with friends. Take breaks to increase your time management techniques and feel refreshed. This will give you a significant productivity boost.

Bonus Tips For You

Pareto's 80/20 Rule

Personal Success 80/20 Rule, The 80-20 rule is one of the most helpful concepts for life and time management. Also known as the Pareto Principle, this rule suggests that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results. This being the case, you should change the way you set goals forever.


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  2. Thank you. Much need information.

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